Noozkav Kopi Studio

robusta sumatera pagar alam

The Pagaralam area is right under the foot of Mount Dempo. Pagaralam coffee plantation farmers in fact have existed since the Dutch colonial occupation. The coffee that is cultivated there is of the robusta type and is deliberately planted at an altitude of 3,195 meters above sea level. In the past, Pagaralam coffee plantations were managed directly by the Dutch government. But it was legally given to the people when his government finally officially collapsed.


Farmer                  : Roy Delasato
Location               : Natural Fence
Capacity               : 15 – 20 Tons / Season
Land                      : Hills & Valleys
Protecting Trees : Lamtoro & Avocado
Drying Process.   : Para-para & Green House

Variety                   : Fine Robusta & Multi Clone
Height.                   : 900 – 1000 mdpl
Process                 : Natural
Taste                     : Tobacco, Hazelnut, Ginger, Palm Sugar


The Pagar Alam area was formerly known as Pasemah. The name was recorded in the records of a Dutch East Indies government employee, J. S. G. Gramberg in 1865.

He said that if someone climbs Bukit Barisan from Bengkulu to the north of Ampat Lawang to the beautiful Latitudes plain, he will arrive at the west of Mount Dempo. So, he must be in the land of the Pasemah people.

According to the cultural expert and Besemah elder, Mohammad Saman, the name Pasemah comes from the wrong pronunciation of the Dutch. The correct pronunciation should be Besemah which means peaceable.

The city of Pagar Alam is known for the many megaliths found. One of them is the Tegurwangi Site which is located in the middle of the rice fields of Tegurwangi Village, North Dempo District. At this site found menhirs, tetraliths, dolmens, statues, stone chambers, and etched stones.

There are also three statues that are protected by a roofed building. This statue is in the form of a human with large protruding eyes, a snub nose, and thick lips.




9:00AM - 5:00PM
