Noozkav Kopi Studio

arabica sumatera solok

In Sumatra, it is not only North Sumatra that is full of coffee-based production, people should keep an eye too to West Sumatra. Solok, one of West Sumatra’s regencies, is where Arabica Solok originated. This coffee is usually found in the area of Danau Kembar and Mount Talang at the altitude of 1.500 – 1.900 meters above sea level. Most of the local people who live in Solok are farmers and produce coffee traditionally.


Farmers              : Attila Majidi & Ed
Prod. Capacity   : 30 Tons / Season

Land                    : Hills

Protector Trees : Lamtoro and Avocado
Drying Process. : Green House and Para-para
Variety                 : Typica, Sigararutang, Andong Sari
Height.                 : 1100-1700 mdpl
Process               : Wet Hull
Taste                    : Peach, Coconut Sugar, Ginger


The area where Arabica Solok is planted is well-known for having good soil conditions. The composition of humus is abundant while the air is also cold. As this coffee is produced by the local farmers, they implement an organic farming system which does not utilize chemical fertilizers to cultivate the coffee. So, it is proven that Arabica Solok is very fresh and original and becomes a grade specialty coffee.

The taste of Arabica Solok could surprise you with its uniqueness. This coffee has a spicy aroma with many strong spices on it. The acidity of the coffee is quite high, so it is very recommended for people who love drinking sour coffee. Now, coming to the main characteristic, this coffee tastes citrus or lemon and chocolate notes which differs it from other variants of coffee. Yet the acidity level is high, this coffee brings a natural-sweet taste that could be combined perfectly.

The amazing taste of Arabica Solok makes it similar to African coffee. It makes many countries demand this coffee for their needs, such as Thailand, Australia, and Italy that become Indonesia’s big exported countries for it.




9:00AM - 5:00PM
